Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses
Hey, Marketer! Well, are you a marketer or a small business owner hidden under the hat of marketer? If you are the latter one, then this article is for you. It explores different facets of social media strategy and management as we know, the power…
5 basic steps for an effective Facebook Ad Campaign
Despite the discussion around Facebook’s declining reach, Facebook Advertising has been popular among B2B and B2C businesses. How is that possible? Well, in the past few years, Facebook’s organic reach has declined. Yet, as per Pew Research Centre, 70% of users log into the Facebook…
Beginner’s Guide on Microsites
What is a Microsite? If you have a business, you need a website- right? Not necessarily, especially when your budget is tight and you’re not sure where to start Microsites are the perfect solution Just dissect the word Microsite as “Micro” and “site” and you…
Marketing Automation made easy
Imagine not having a day’s long meeting and a huge to do list of sending out emails to score leads, keeping up with the client enquiries, posting blogs, analysing client data for campaigns and the list goes on… Well we love this thought and that’s…